APIC Text Online - Endoscopy


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The latest chapter update to APIC Text Online (ATO) is now posted and available to subscribers: EndoscopyFlexible endoscopy has become an invaluable diagnostic and therapeutic tool. As with all diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, there are always risks of complications, including infections. To minimize the risk of infection, healthcare personnel must ensure that equipment is designed and maintained properly and that guidelines for reprocessing are strictly followed.

The features of ATO have successfully supported concurrent review and updates of important chapters based on infection prevention trends and issues. This is the fourth chapter update for 2016. Other chapter updates include:

Watch for additional revisions and updates in 2017!

APIC is excited to hear your thoughts about the revised chapter on Endoscopy, as well as the entire ATO platform. Your views are critical to APIC’s success in providing the resources that you need to flourish as an infection preventionist. Please email us at text@apic.org.


Patti G. Grota, PhD, RN, CNS-M-S, CIC, FAPIC

