Standard Precautions

Tiffany Wiksten, DNP, RN, CIC IP Independent Contractor

Orlando Park, IL

Revised Publication:
October 7, 2024
Original Publication:
October 2, 2014
Declarations of Conflicts of Interest:
  • Tiffany Wiksten declares no conflicts of interest.

Special thanks to Tiffany Wiksten, BSN, RN, CIC, for drafting the 2014 APIC Standard Precautions Chapter in addition to revising it in 2024. 


Standard Precautions outline the minimum set of interventions considered fundamental standards of care that prevent the transmission of microorganisms. They provide a foundation for infection prevention measures and apply to every location and setting in which healthcare services are delivered. Many factors promote and reinforce the consistent use of Standard Precautions. Leadership support is necessary to ensure that infection prevention is a priority and that essential resources are available. Healthcare personnel must receive education and be empowered to be accountable for providing safe patient care. They must also protect themselves by incorporating Standard Precautions into their interventions and the education they provide. The Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee identifies several vital components that constitute the Standard Precautions guidelines, including hand hygiene, environmental cleaning and disinfection, injection and medication safety, risk assessment with the use of appropriate PPE, minimizing potential exposures, and reprocessing of reusable medical equipment. Ref 28-1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC’s Core Infection Prevention and Control Practices for Safe Healthcare Delivery in All Sett... - You do not have permission to view this object.  All of these elements are essential in preventing the transmission of microorganisms. It is imperative that healthcare personnel in all facilities, settings, and locations where healthcare services are delivered meticulously and consistently practice Standard Precautions to prevent transmission of microorganisms from known and unknown sources, protecting all persons, including healthcare personnel, patients, and the community.