Recently Updated

We live in a world of constant change: regulations are updated, technology advances, and best practices evolve. The APIC Text Online is a dynamic resource that will be regularly updated to reflect the most current information in the world of infection prevention and control. To keep you informed of these changes, we will post all major updates on this page. We will also inform you of site improvements and new functionalities as they are developed and released.

COVID-19 light updates: In an effort to quickly disseminate information on the COVID-19 pandemic, the following priority chapters have had COVID-19 coverage added to them. Sections containing new COVID-19 information are labeled throughout the chapter. The remainder of these chapters have not been updated and are current as of the "Published" date at the top of each chapter.

Fully updated chapters include:

If you have an idea for a chapter update, or would like to send us any feedback about the APIC Text, please email us at