Qualitative Research Methods

Stephanie Stroever, PhD, MPH Director of Research for Emergency Medicine and Assistant Professor in the Department of Medical Education, School of Medicine

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Lubbock, TX

Revised Publication:
September 7, 2020
Original Publication:
October 2, 2014
Declarations of Conflicts of Interest:
  • Stephanie Stroever reports no potential conflicts of interest.


Historically, quantitative methods have dominated the field of inquiry and research as infection preventionists sought to understand infection events and prevention practices. However, qualitative methods have emerged as a valuable approach to fully understand the culture and context of infection prevention and control within healthcare settings. Qualitative methods focus on answering questions such as “why” or “how” an event occurred. There are many different qualitative approaches that may be used by infection preventionists, each with unique methods for data collection and analysis. Ultimately, qualitative inquiry can result in rich data that can supplement and enhance understanding of infection prevention within healthcare facilities.