Nutrition Services

Ruby Puckett, MA, FCSI President of Foodservice Management Consultants

Program Director for Dietary Manager Training
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL

Original Publication:
October 2, 2014


The goal of this chapter is to identify the responsibilities of the food and nutrition services department for infection prevention and to provide methodologies for preventing foodborne illness. This chapter provides insight into the practices and interventions used to prevent foodborne-associated infections and outbreaks. Food Code 2009 and 2013 provide guidance on food safety, sanitation, and other related requirements to protect the food that is prepared and served. Food Code 2009 is still applicable but added supplement to this code is now Food Code 2013. Changes are incorporated in this chapter. Written policies and procedures provide standards for safety and sanitary handling of food and cleaning and maintenance of food service equipment, cleaning supplies, and personnel. The department must also be knowledgeable with the activities that may influence the infection risk of patients, employees, and their customers. Procedures are developed in case of an outbreak. The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point guidelines, a national standard for providing safety precautions in food service and assuring safe practices, need to be implemented to verify that the system is working. A disaster preparedness program for the safety of food and water is coordinated with the overall facility plan.