Environmental Gram-Negative Bacilli

Marguerite Gribogiannis, BS, MPA, CIC Infection Control Practitioner

Advocate Lutheran General Hospital
Park Ridge, IL

Original Publication:
October 2, 2014


Pseudomonasspp., Acinetobacterspp., and other glucose nonfermentative bacilli are common causes of healthcare-associated infections. These ubiquitous pathogens contribute to a wide variety of clinical syndromes and are particularly notable for their intrinsic antimicrobial resistance. Pseudomonasspp. originally gained notoriety under the outdated terms "nosocomial" or "hospital-acquired" pathogens over a 40-year time frame; they continue to afflict patients in a variety of healthcare settings. Acinetobacter infections have played an increasingly prominent role, mainly in hospital outbreaks and in endemic infections. A host of other nonfermentative bacilli also can result in outbreaks when infection prevention measures are not followed.